Jasmine Tarkeshi – 20 Hour Tantra Training
The Art and Soul of Tantra Training
Du mercredi 15 Juin au dimanche 19 Juin 2022
The Art and Soul of Tantra Training – 15-19 June 2022
The training starts on Wednesday June 15 from 6 pm. and will end on Sunday June 19 after morning yoga practice and goodbye breakfast.
Complete retreat with accommodation, food and 25hours Tantra Training. Only 4 spots
660€ Full price
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Join Jasmine Tarkeshi, one of the founders of Laughing Lotus Yoga Centers in the US and now Body and Soul Yoga Collective, for an extraordinary retreat or 20 hour Teacher Training at the gorgeous @maisondesmarronniers right outside Paris!
Jasmine will lead us on a healing and creative journey through living, practicing and teaching through lens of Tantra Yoga with two options to participate: as a transformative retreat for passionate practitioners or 20 hour Teacher Training to uplift and inspire your teaching, practice and lives.
You will learn the beautiful Tantric teachings that will inspire you to live, practice and teach in deep intimacy with nature and your nature through ancient and often misunderstood wisdom of Tantra Yoga. One of yoga’s original paths and practices as art, science, healing and liberation, in Sanskrit, Tantra means “weaving” or “interconnection.” It comes from the root tan, meaning “to extend” or “to expand.” It is an ancient form of yoga, path of ritual and practices to awaken shakti (dormant creative energy) . NOW, more than ever these teachings are essential to integrate into our practice and lives to heal our relationship to our bodies, senses, each other and our world and what better place than right outside Paris, one of the most sensual cities in the world!
One of Tantra Yoga’s basic principles is seeing the sacred in the mundane, so there is no better time than now, during a global pandemic when we have been asked to restrict our external movements, to recognize the sacred within and that is present within the most simple, familiar and challenging moments. The objective of Tantric training is to transcend the barriers of duality; body and spirit, holy and unholy, dark and light, as a means to reveal our true Self. Through the tantric lens we aim to see all aspects of the natural world as manifestations of the Divine Shakti. Tantra celebrates the human body and teaches the acceptance of the world—of all events and experiences—viewing everything as sacred teachings of life to cultivate spiritual understanding and that no area of life should be rejected moving us towards Freedom, spontaneity, creativity, and well-being in this lifetime.
Tantra Yoga uses Asana (physical postures), pranayama (breathing practices) mudras (sacred hand gestures), mantra, (sacred formulas) and yantras (mandalas symbolizing the Cosmos) as rituals to connect to Shakti (the Divine Mother) in Her countless forms and merge with her beloved Shiva (transcendental self). Bhakti Yoga (the yoga of Devotion) is an integral aspect of Tantra and at it’s heart its heart is Dasha Maha Vidya Yoga (the yoga of the Ten Great Wisdoms) around which this training will weave.
Our 4 day retreat will be an exploration of Tantra’s 10 great wisdom through practice, theory and self inquiry. You will learn to recognize the sacred teachings of every aspect of life and simple daily rituals to incorporate into your practice. This training will also explore of the teachings in the great Tantric and yogic texts; The Shiva Samhita, The Radiance Sutras and The Hatha Yoga Pradipika where the body is honored as a microcosm of the macrocosm though which we return to our beautifully balanced state.
Let’s plunge into the world of Tantra to inspire and empower you on your Path to a lifetime of health and happiness.
Through this intensive with Jasmine you will learn to incorporate Tantra’s basic principles into your practice, teaching and life.
• An exploration of Tantra’s great wisdoms, or the Maha Vidya through 90 minute Vinyasa classes and interactive and dynamic Philosophy sessions
• Discover how these wisdoms are represented in the body, mind and spirit, their particular approach to self-realization and how they challenge us to look deeper into life.
How to weave this wisdom through your practice and teaching.
• Yantra coloring and meditation with accompanying mantras.
Join Jasmine for 4 Master Vinyasa Classes invoking the Art and Soul of Tantra Yoga and the s tantric super powers, the Mahavidya, the great wisdoms. Through Movement, Mantra, Mudra and Meditation and Yoga’s rich heritage of Hindu Mythology, we will learn to spiritualize all our human experiences.
These classes will be creative expressions of Vinyasa Krama, which means ” wise progression ” where each asana is a preparation for the next. As we nourish each part of ourselves from root to crown, with breath, movement and intention, we awaken to our spiritual anatomy through our physical anatomy and unlock and unblock our creative potential to heal and transform . Join us on this journey of discovery and self-exploration that balances every part of our selves and our lives and integrates mind, body and spirit to help us live more fully. Perfect for yoga teachers looking for inspiration and wanting to share this enlivened and transformative practice with their students and wants to experience more depth, joy, and freedom through their practice of yoga.
1) Compassion and knowledge– TARA
The Great Cosmic Power TARA is also called “The Savioress” and the “Guiding Star”. She represents the very manifestation of Divine Grace ‘saving’ us from the life in “samsara” (the ocean of illusion). Among other aspects, She emanates from Divine Compassion and the power of Sound, the fundamental pranava AUM, the quintessence of all the sounds speech, and knowledge to dissolve ignorance or Avidya.
This first class will focus on standing pose sequencing and practices to cultivate compassion and peace with our bodies and minds to prepare us for the journey ahead!
2) Courage, Discipline and Sacrifice – TRIPURA BHAIRAVI/KALI
The Great Cosmic Power TRIPURA BHAIRAVI is the energetic expression of Self Discipline (Tapas) and Sacrifice. The resonance with this Great Cosmic Power amplifies within the human being as Tapas, enthusiasm, which allows the annihilation of the negative karma and the accumulation of the necessary energy for spiritual ‘jumps’. The Great Cosmic Power KALI represents transformation and unfolding of the divine possibilities as the supreme and mysterious power of Time and divine discrimination, the right action, which overcomes any obstacles.
This class will focus on fiery Twists, arm balances and practices to cultivate courage and discipline to change.
3) Truth and Transcending of the Ego – CHINNAMASTA/MATANGI
CHINNAMASTA is the Great Cosmic Power of endless Courage for realizing the supreme self-sacrifice: the cutting off of the mind in order to discover what is beyond it! She manifests the true spiritual heroism, boldness, bravery to help overcome our negative qualities. MATANGI
makes the beauty, harmony, love and splendor of the whole Universe to exist and the Divine Wisdom that exists behind everything. She is the power that inspires the talented writers, the inspired poets, the famous singers, the eloquent speakers and musicians and is the power that is given to the spoken word to bring harmony and peace This class will focus on inversions and liberation from ego and poses to cultivate truth and honest expression.
4) Divine Abundance, Harmony and Beauty – KAMALATMIKA/ TRIPURA SUNDARI
KAMALATMIKA is the Great Cosmic Power that expresses the manifestation of the Divine in the act of creation. She is the beauty and bliss expressed in the entire creation and removes any kind of poverty: the poverty in the physical world as well as poverty in the spiritual world with great generosity. TRIPURA SUNDARI represents the manifestation of Divine goodness, grace, love, beauty, truth and harmony. When happiness mirrors and manifests itself harmoniously, its expression is Divine Beauty.
This class will focus on backbends and practices to awaken Love, generosity and kindness and forward bends to offer the fruits of our actions as service to all beings.